Assessment | Biopsychology | Comparative |Cognitive | Developmental | Language | Individual differences |Personality | Philosophy | Social |
Methods | Statistics |Clinical | Educational | Industrial |Professional items |World psychology |
Biological:행동 유전학*진화 심리학*신경 해부학*신경 화학*신경 내분비 학*신경 과학*정신 신경 면역학*생리 심리학·정신 약리학(색인,개요)3.0 3.1(1995 년 2 월). 건강한 피험자의 인두 감각과 개그 반사. 란셋 345(8948):487-488. 두아,쿨윈더,스리 나빈 수라파네니,쿠리바야시 시코,무하메드 하페줄라,레자 셰이커(5 2011). 인두기도 보호 반사는 하이 인두가 안전하게 보유 할 수있는 최대 체적을 초과하기 전에 트리거됩니다. 이 경우,간세포는 간세포로 대체됩니다.
Dua, K, E Bardan, J Ren, Z Sui, R Shaker (1998). Effect of chronic and acute cigarette smoking on the pharyngo-upper oesophageal sphincter contractile reflex and reflexive pharyngeal swallow. Gut: An International Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 43: 537-541.
Nervous system physiology: neurophysiology – reflex |
Cranial nerve |
- midbrain: Pupillary light reflex
- Accommodation reflex
pons/medulla: Jaw jerk reflex
- Corneal reflex
- Caloric reflex test/Vestibulo-ocular reflex/Oculocephalic reflex
- Pharyngeal (gag) reflex
Stretch reflexes |
- upper limb: Biceps reflex C5/C6
- Brachioradialis reflex C6
- Triceps reflex C7/C8
lower limb: Patellar reflex L2-L4
- Ankle jerk reflex S1/S2
- Plantar reflex L5-S2
Primitive reflexes |
- Galant
- Gastrocolic
- Grasp
- Moro
- Rooting
- Stepping
- Sucking
- Tonic neck
- Parachute
Superficial reflexes |
- Abdominal reflex
- Cremasteric reflex
Lists |
- general
- alphabetical
- by organ
Cardiovascular |
- Bainbridge reflex
- Bezold-Jarisch reflex
- Coronary reflex
- Mammalian diving reflex
- Oculocardiac reflex
- Reflex bradycardia
- Reflex tachycardia
Other |
- Acoustic reflex
- H-reflex
- Golgi tendon reflex
- Optokinetic
- Startle reaction
- Withdrawal reflex (Crossed extensor reflex)
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