NJ Parent Link|Breastfeeding Support

COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
American College of Nurse Kätilöt (ACNM)
American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)
American Congress of Obstetricians & Gynekologi (ACOG)

CDC Updates for Pregnant & imettävät äidit
imettävät covid-19: n aikana (aap/HealthyChildren.org)
ÄITIYSHOITO COVID-19: n aikana (NJ Health Care Quality Institute)

State Services & resurssit

imetys tekee eron
New Jerseyn oikeus imettää Julkisoikeudessa

sairaalat New Jerseyssä
imetys NJ sairaaloissa (Data)
Imetystuki & Resurssiluettelo (NJ Department of health)

NJ State health assessment data (maternal & newborn health)
NJ maternal & Child Health Epidemiology (data, reports & Publications)


liittovaltion resurssit


  • imettämisen oppiminen
  • imettämisen haasteet

  • rintamaidon pumppaaminen ja säilyttäminen
  • imettäminen kotona, töissä ja julkisesti

imettämisen opas (WomensHealth.gov ePublication)

imetys & työskentely
taukoaika imettäville äideille
(Fair Standards Labor Act)

kun imettäminen ei ole suositeltavaa
Säteilyhätätilanteet imetyksen aikana

Kansallinen imettämisen auttava puhelin (Womenshealth.gov)

COVID-19 (koronavirus): tietoa raskaana oleville & imettävät naiset

yhteisön resurssit

Imetystiedot: A to Z (La Leche League International)
Breastfeeding During Emergencies (La Leche League International)

NJ Breastfeeding Coalition (Breastfeeding Support & Resources for NJ Families)
La Leche League of the Garden State (Mother to Mother Breastfeeding Support)

New Jersey Perinatal Quality Collaborative (NJ Hospital Association)

Professional Resources

Baby Friendly USA
La Leche League USA
US breastfeeding Committee

CDC breastfeeding data and Statistics
CDC breastfeeding information & Resources
CDC Vital Signs: Hospital Support of Breastfeeding

International Lactation Consultant Association
International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners

the Joint Commission: Perinatal Care Certification
American Academy of Pediatrics Breastfeeding Initiatives
The Surgeon General ’ s Call to Action to Support imettäminen
your guide to Breastfeeding (Womenshealth.gov ePublication)
Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed), US National Library of Medicine
FDA Prescription Drug & Biological Product Labeling Guidlines:
Pregnant & Breastfeeding Women and Individuals of Reproductive Age
FDA Consumer Health Information: Using Medications while Pregnant & Breastfeeding


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